Erasmus Learning Academy Spain
The Erasmus Learning Academy (ELA), is a training centre that strongly supports and believes in the innovation, modernisation and internationalisation of education.
The Erasmus Learning Academy (ELA), is a training centre that strongly supports and believes in the innovation, modernisation and internationalisation of education. Our mission is to foster excellence and quality improvements in education and training. We design and deliver training courses and structured training events for teachers, trainers, headmaster and other education staff and we support them in participating in learning mobility experiences (e.g. jobshadowing, study visits, …) to foster the improvement of their competences and the quality of education. We work in the education sector since more than 10 years, thus we know the real context and the challenges which teachers are facing every day. Fueled by our genuine, motivated and passionate approach, we regularly participate in international training and European conference to keep our know-how up-to-date. We actively participate in the network of Erasmus organizations. We’ve a strong know-how in organizing international training courses for teachers, headmasters and educational staff and in the last 5 years we’ve successfully received and trained over 3000 teachers and education staff coming from all over Europe as you can read from the reviews at on School Education Gateway, on our website and on google. Past participants appreciated especially the quality of instructions, our interactive and hands-on approach focused on practice and experiential training as well as our support in project implementation, practical arrangements, certification and dissemination. Our standard course catalogue can be accessed here. Upon request we can organize ad hoc courses on specific topis. We’re specialized in 6 thematic areas: ICT AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES COURSES Courses in this topic area deal with distance learning, e-platforms, teaching through apps, social media and advanced ICT tools. SOFT SKILLS AND GROUP MANAGEMENT COURSES Courses in this topic area deal with soft skills, emotional intelligence, coaching, assessment, stress management and public speaking. INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS COURSES Courses in this topic area deal with outdoor education, NFE, creativity, PBL, gamification, green skills, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship education, work based learning. INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY COURSES Courses in this topic area deal with inclusion of special needs, intercultural learning, early school leavers and diversities of all kinds. LANGUAGES AND EU PROJECT DESIGN COURSES Courses in this topic area aim at improving foreign language skills, teaching content in foreign languages, designing european projects. PRESCHOOL TEACHING METHODS COURSES Courses in this topic area deal with methods for preschool: Italian approaches, innovative teaching methods and outdoor education.Address: C. de Villalba Hervás, 38002 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Locale/Designation: Tenerife, Spain
Phone: +34 658072259
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